Residential Policies
In addition to the UNA Code of Student Conduct, Housing & Residence Life has residential standards and policies that all students and guests are expected to abide by. These apply to university apartments and residence halls. Please review the Guide To Campus Living for additional information.
Community Standards & Policies Reviewed as of 7/2021
Public areas of residence halls/apartments, including lounges, community bathrooms, hallways, etc. are not intended for storage of personal belongings. If students leave their personal belongings in these areas the items will be considered abandoned property and may be removed or disposed of by staff.
Items left in residence halls/apartments after the owner has moved out/vacated the hall/apartment, or relocated to another room, and items not marked as to ownership will be declared abandoned. When possible, a written notification will be sent via UNA email to a resident whose items have been left behind. If no action is taken by the resident to remove the items from the hall/apartment within the timeline indicated in the notification sent to the student, Housing & Residence Life will dispose of the items. The University of North Alabama and Housing & Residence Life are not responsible for any items left in the halls/apartments.
- A resident who is 21 or older may possess alcohol and drink responsibly in his/her room/apartment as long as their roommate is also 21 or older. If one roommate is under 21, no alcohol is allowed in the room/apartment.
- A resident who is 21 or older may drink in the room/apartment of another 21-year-old resident if that resident is present.
- All guests must abide by the residential alcohol policy.
- Anyone under 21 that is present in a room/apartment where a policy violation has occurred will be considered in violation of the alcohol policy.
- Alcohol is not allowed at any time in any public area of a residence hall/apartment. A public area may be a hallway, lounge, lobby, walkway, stairwell, or any other area not contained in a specific room/apartment.
- Any alcohol being transported by someone 21 or older must be completely covered from open view and taken directly to the resident’s room/apartment.
- Empty bottles, cans, bongs, funnels, mass drinking items, and other alcohol “decorations” are not allowed in any room/apartment that has a resident under 21.
- Anyone present in a room/apartment where a controlled substances policy violation has occurred will be considered in violation of the controlled substances policy.
Drugs: Use, possession or distribution of illegal drugs and other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia are expressly prohibited in residential facilities except as permitted by law and the University’s Drug Policy. Water pipes, bongs, hookahs, and other paraphernalia commonly associated with drug use are also prohibited in the residence halls. Drugs may be defined as, but not limited to:
- any stimulant;
- intoxicant (including alcohol);
- nervous system depressant;
- hallucinogen;
- other chemical substance, compound, or combination when used to induce an altered state; and
- any otherwise lawfully available product or substance (such as over the counter or prescription drugs, glue, paint, etc.) used for any purpose other than its intended use.
Because the University takes the safety of everyone in university housing very seriously, we cannot allow students to bring certain items into their room/apartment. Prohibited items may differ depending on location. At the discretion of university officials, prohibited appliances or materials may be removed including, but not limited to; extension cords, portable space heaters, halogen lamps, lava lamps, oil-based or wax electric air fresheners, candles, sunlamps, bicycles, hoverboards, combustible liquids, incense and incense burners, power tools*, grills*, camping stoves, and cooking appliances with an open heating element. The following items are allowed in residence halls: microwave ovens (700 watts), refrigerators (up to 4.3 cubic feet), Keurig style coffee makers, air fryers, rice cookers, and electric kettles. Air fryers and rice cookers may be stored in students’ rooms, but are prohibited from being used in their rooms. Students may use them in the hall’s kitchen, or in the Mattielou and Olive ice rooms. Students must use official surge protectors for additional electrical appliances. Violations will result in confiscation of the item(s) and residents may be subject to the student conduct process.
*Allowed in apartments (Grandview, Twin Oaks, Lion's Gate)
University of North Alabama prohibits smoking on all university-owned and operated property both indoors and outdoors.
"Smoking," as used in this policy, refers to inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated smoking product and to the use of any such other electronic or other device that is used as an alternative to traditional tobacco products and that produces a smoke or vapor when in use. "Smoking products" include, but are not limited to, all cigarette products (cigarettes, bidis, kreteks, e-cigarettes, etc.) and all smoke-producing products (cigars, pipes, hookahs, vaporizers, etc.). “University-owned and operated property” includes, but is not limited to: all outdoor common and educational areas; all university buildings; university-owned/operated housing facilities; campus sidewalks; recreational areas; outdoor stadiums; and university-owned and leased vehicles (regardless of location). Littering campus with the remains of smoking products is also prohibited.
This policy applies to all employees, students, visitors, contractors, and externally affiliated individuals or companies renting university-owned space on university-owned and operated property campus grounds.
A “weapon” can be defined as any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause injury or incapacitate, or create a reasonable fear of harm, including but not limited to, all firearms, including air rifles and pellet guns; bow and arrows; ammunition; knives (other than kitchen knives); martial arts weapons; brass knuckles; explosives; and dangerous chemicals or poisons that are possessed with the intent to injure another or to cause damage to property.
All types of guns (including paintball guns, airsoft guns, pellet guns, etc.), bows and arrows, tasers, and all other weapons are prohibited in residence halls. Any device that has the appearance and/or function of a serviceable weapon or is being used in a manner of a real weapon is also prohibited in residence halls.
Additionally, residential students and guests are expected to abide by the University Weapons Statement at all times.
Guidelines & Expectations
In addition to the policies listed above, residents are expected to be aware of the following guidelines and expectations.
- Pay the additional fee necessary to occupy the room/apartment for the remainder of the semester as a private. Private rooms will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis and are contingent upon space and availability.
- Seek out another roommate and request a room/apartment change with someone that currently has no roommate.
- Allow the Occupancy/Apartment Coordinator to assign a new resident to the room/apartment or move to another room/apartment that has only one occupant.
The following lists includes charges that may be assessed through Housing & Residence Life, but not limited to:
Unauthorized room change and/or move: $150
Improper check-in/check-out: $150
Re-core room lock/key replacement: $40-$100
After-Hours Lockout: 1st time per semester is free / $10 for every occurrence afterwards
Smoking/Vaping in room/hall/apartment: $150
Policy Violation Resulting in False Fire Alarm - $150
Cleaning Fee: Dependent upon need/condition of room/hall/apartment
Vandalism/Damages: Dependent upon labor/materials
Charges are subject to change as necessary. Please see for more information.
Fire alarm systems are installed in all residence halls. The system includes automatic smoke detectors, alarm signals, and enunciators. The alarm is a continuous buzzing noise. All alarms should be regarded as actual fires. University and state law requires all residents and their guests to adhere to the fire safety regulations of the campus. Rendering a false alarm is considered a criminal offense. Failure to evacuate is not only a safety hazard, but is also a violation of University policy and state law. Failure to comply may result in the resident(s) being subject to the student conduct process. It is each resident’s responsibility to be familiar with evacuation procedures. In the case of a fire, residents should do the following:
- If there is smoke in the room, keep low to the floor.
- Before passing through any door, feel the doorknob. If it is hot, do not open the door. Before opening a door, brace yourself against the door and open it slightly. If heat and smoke are present, close the door and stay in the room.
- If you cannot leave the room, open the window. If trapped, attract the fire department by hanging an object out the window.
- If you can leave the room, close the door behind you.
- Go to the nearest exit or stairwell. Do not use the elevator.
- If the nearest exit is blocked by fire, heat or smoke, go to an alternate exit.
- If all exits are blocked, go back to your room, open the windows, and attract the fire department.
- After evacuating the building, move to the designated meeting location (at least 50 feet from the building). Emergency personnel and equipment will be maneuvering around the building.
- Follow the directions of fire, police, and Housing & Residence Life staff.
- You may reenter the building only after fire and police officials have given their approval.
For More Information on Fire Safety in University Housing:
College Student's Guide to Fire Safety